4. Customers
4.2. Customer Credits
4.1.2. Customer Search
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4.2.1. Create Customer Credits
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4.2. Customer Credits

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Customer credits created from the Customers menu are credits that can be applied to any invoice for that specific customer. Customer Credits are applied to a customer invoice by opening the customer invoice (from the Receivables tab on Proposals) and applying the credit from the Receive Payments (once the invoice has been opened) tab.

These credits are considered "gift certificates", meaning that they can be applied to any customer invoice for any reason. These are not credits that you need to issue on a specific line item. See the section on the Proposal Receivables tab for applying credits on a specific line item.

Clicking the 'Customer Credits' menu item will display a list of all existing customer credits as shown below:

Image CustomerCreditsList.JPG

The Sort Options function allows you to filter the Customer Credits that are displayed in the main Customer Credits window. The Sort Options link is in the upper right hand side of the window under the Pagination controls.

Sort Option field Description
All Credits This option will display all credits you have created
Credits with Open Balances This option will only display credits with balances
Fully Applied Credits This option will display credits that have been applied
Remember Preferences Check this box to have DealerChoice remember the option you have selected

The Customer Credits window has two icons, one for creating customer credits and one for searching for customer credits.

You can click on any credit that is displayed to view or edit the credit details.

4.2. Customer Credits
4. Customers
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4.1.2. Customer Search
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4.2.1. Create Customer Credits